Events with Bear Woznick

Bear Woznick hosts the motorcycle-based reality show Long Ride Home with Bear Woznick. The show is distributed worldwide on EWTN television, Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, YouTube Pay Per View and Armed Forces Network to more than 200 million homes. He also hosts EWTN Radio’s The Bear Woznick Adventure, heard by millions each week on SiriusXM and on over 500 radio stations across the country.

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About Bear Woznick

Bear is a two-time world tandem surfing champ and legends stand-up paddle surfing champ who has authored several books, including Deep in the Wave: A Surfing Guide to the Soul and Deep Adventure: The Way of Heroic Virtue. He has spoken to audiences around the world and leads pilgrimages to Europe, Greece, and Israel.

Learn about Bear’s television series, The Long Ride Home

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Bear’s Most Requested Talk Topics

Into the Breach
The breach in the breakdown of the Church and society runs right through your living room. This breakdown affects all of us. What are you going to do about it?
10 Rules for Manliness
This is the antidote to the “toxic masculinity” scam. The world is crying out for men to be manly again. There is a big difference between being a Nice Guy and a Good Man. This can be one talk or a whole men’s conference or men’s retreat.
Deep Adventure: The Way of Heroic Virtue
This can be one talk covering all seven virtues or a whole men’s conference or even a retreat for both men, women, or both.
Men and the Rosary
In Bear’s home, he hangs his Ninja Black Belt and his Paracord Warrior Rosary to warn intruders of any kind that they will not find a willing victim. Men must stop being powerless victims and pick up the rosary and the cross, then step to the front lines and enter the battle.

Book Bear Woznick for your next event

Thank you for your interest in bringing Bear to your next event! We’re excited by the possibility of working together to bring your audience high quality and engaging talks. Please complete the form below so we can better assist you in your request for Bear to speak. We will get back to you promptly with more information regarding his availability and any additional questions regarding your event.

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